“When circumstances defy order, order should bend or break: anomalies and uncertainties give validity to architecture.”

Robert Venturi
  • What is Thermal Bridging? Any break in the thermal continuity of the building envelope. Thermal bridging is when materials that conduct heat – typically with low thermal mass- pass through the building envelope and transfer heat and cold through those…

  • Keeping water out of your building or cabin is not as easy as you think. When thinking about the construction process some may think enclosing the building with sheathing, adding “building wrap” and then siding is enough. Making this assumption…

  • Natural Plaster: Pros & Cons Natural plaster is a beautiful vernacular material to be used wisely. The use of natural plaster has been used for centuries. It is a proven technique to provide a tactile surface that exudes beauty. At…

  • Cabin, Laksvatn, Norway. This unique window and wall detail shows how a window system can be incorporated into the siding and structure of the building using glazing outside of a standard frame. The window opening from the interior has a seamless…

  • Shading Devices Overview * Solar Control and Shading Devices, Olgay The type of shading devices best suited for a particular façade are determined by the building orientation and cardinal direction. A northern facing elevation typically does not require shading devices…

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